Quantum computer scales up by mitigating errorsbb
The idea that quantum computers might one day solve complex problems at lightning speed on microscopic chips has long been touted. But the race to show that these processors can outperform their classical counterparts is a difficult one, in which every success is cause for celebration. Writing in Nature, Kim et al.1 report a quantum-computational feat that is well beyond the capability of classical simulation: the determination, using 127 quantum bits (qubits), of the magnetization of a model quantum material. The system’s fundamental advantage pertains to scale rather than speed: no classical computer has enough memory to encode the possibilities computed by the 127 qubits.
"Pertains" means to relate or belong to a particular subject or topic. It can be used in both spoken and written English, and is a formal way of expressing that something is relevant or connected to a certain matter.
A quantum computer that can outperform a classical computer is said to display quantum advantage, but this is an elusive concept with many facets. It was once synonymous with the idea that a quantum processor could accelerate computation exponentially, by using the fact that qubits can encode a superposition of entire memories containing the 1s and 0s that store information in conventional computers. Over time, it has come to refer to more-modest quantum speed-ups in the computing times of algorithms used in chemistry, materials and logistics research2.
Developing the full potential of quantum computers requires devices that can correct their own errors. Such errors occur all too frequently, and correcting them is a difficult task needing a large, multidisciplinary engineering effort. The resulting systems, known as fault-tolerant quantum computers, will consist of thousands of high-quality qubits, held in check by an exquisite control system. But is it possible to achieve useful quantum advantage in the interim, before accomplishing full fault tolerance?
It has been conjectured that some meaningful problems can be solved without quantum error correction, using an approach called noisy intermediate-scale quantum computation2. This technique encodes the problem in qubits that need not be perfect, in a state that requires relatively few qubits, and these are then measured quickly, before an error can corrupt the computation. However, algorithms for solving useful problems require that, to reach sufficient accuracy, thousands of low-error operations be completed before measurement. In the end, this might not be possible without fault tolerance through quantum error correction.
有人猜想,使用一种称为嘈杂中等规模量子计算(noisy intermediate-scale quantum computation)的方法可以解决一些有意义的问题,而不需要量子纠错(quantum error correction)2。这种技术将问题编码到不需要完美的量子比特(qubits)中,并且需要相对较少的量子比特,然后快速地进行测量,以免出现误差。然而,解决有用问题的算法需要在测量之前完成数千次低误差操作,以达到足够的精度。最终,如果没有通过量子纠错实现容错,这可能是不可能的。
In 2019, a programmable superconducting quantum computer was reported to have outperformed the most powerful conventional computers34. But the processor was benchmarked with a task designed solely for this purpose — sampling the output of a random circuit containing quantum logic gates. Instead, Kim et al. sought to simulate the dynamics of a system that is perhaps more appealing to physicists: a two-dimensional Ising model, which is now used across many areas of physics, but was originally devised to describe magnetic materials. The approach is in the spirit of US physicist Richard Feynman’s idea of simulating one quantum system (the Ising model) by using another (the quantum computer)5.
The Ising model conceives of the ‘spins’ (intrinsic angular momenta) of electrons in a magnetic material as discrete variables: each spin can point in any direction, but a measurement will cast it as either up or down. These spins are arranged on a lattice and, when subjected to an external magnetic field, they align, resulting in the collective magnetization of the material. Kim and colleagues’ goal was to accurately measure the average magnetization for selected clusters of spins — rather than the more challenging problem of determining the exact state of the entire system.
The authors modelled the way that the system changes in time as a sequence of operations on qubits and pairs of qubits, configured as 2,880 two-qubit gates. Their quantum hardware and control system were both state-of-the-art devices, but estimating the average magnetization still required advanced techniques to mitigate any errors67. Quantum error mitigation is a post-processing method that uses software to compensate for the noise generated during a calculation, and should not be confused with quantum error correction. The idea is that a quantum computation that uses a ‘small’ number of qubits (up to 68) can be verified with brute-force classical simulation, lending credibility to the idea that errors are similarly mitigated for larger systems that cannot be verified classically.
Kim et al. verified their error-mitigation scheme by computing the magnetization of a single spin in a simulation involving all 127 qubits. Before mitigating the errors, the authors’ results were strongly affected by noise, but their post-processing technique restored the correct magnetization (Fig. 1). They also compared their calculation with approximate results from two classical-simulation techniques. Both methods are known to break down when the external magnetic field is oriented in a direction between those perpendicular and parallel to the spins, a situation in which the quantum nature of the system is particularly important.
Figure 1 | Mitigating errors in quantum computation. a, Kim et al.1 used a quantum computer to simulate the spin (intrinsic angular momentum) of electrons in a model quantum material. The spins are arranged on a lattice, point up or down when measured, and align in the presence of an external magnetic field, causing the material to magnetize. b, The authors computed the magnetization of a single spin corresponding to one quantum bit (qubit) in a simulation involving 127 qubits, and used a post-processing method to mitigate quantum errors. They compared their calculation with approximate results from two classical-simulation techniques, known as MPS and isoTNS, both of which are inaccurate when the magnetic field is oriented in a direction between those perpendicular and parallel to the spins. (Adapted from Fig. 4b of ref. 1.)
图1 | 量子计算中的误差缓解。 a,Kim等人[1]利用量子计算机模拟了模型量子材料中电子的自旋(内禀角动量)。这些自旋排列在晶格上,当测量时向上或向下,且在外部磁场的作用下排列一致,导致材料磁化。b,作者计算了127个量子比特(qubit)模拟中一个单个自旋的磁化,并使用后处理方法缓解了量子误差。他们将计算结果与两种经典模拟技术(MPS和isoTNS)的近似结果进行了比较,这两种技术在磁场方向介于自旋垂直和平行之间时都不准确。(改编自参考文献1的图4b。)
The quantum-computational advantage that Kim et al. demonstrated is one of scale. In implementing a quantum processor with 127 qubits, the authors showed that a quantum computer could go beyond a previous experiment with 27 qubits8 and thereby decisively exceed the limits set by classical methods. In terms of the computational time, the quantum speed-up reported was very modest — only two to three times faster than a classical simulation method called isoTNS, which produces inaccurate results (see Fig. 1b).
So does this advance improve the prospects for applying quantum computation to industrially relevant problems? The answer is most probably no: such algorithms must involve a much larger number of qubits and many more consecutive gate operations to be competitive with high-performance classical supercomputers, and these quantum computations would inevitably drown in noise arising from qubit errors.
Instead, Kim and co-workers’ results herald further opportunities for quantum processors to emulate physical systems that are far beyond the reach of conventional computers. As quantum hardware improves, processors will be capable of longer computations than those currently possible, and such computations will require advanced post-processing and quantum error-mitigation methods that can handle large data sets9. Techniques such as Kim and colleagues’ error-mitigation method will drive the development of device technology, control systems and software by providing applications that could offer useful quantum advantage beyond quantum-computing research — and will pave the way for truly fault-tolerant quantum computing.
The article provides an overview of recent progress in the field of quantum computing, highlighting a report published in Nature by Kim et al. which describes the use of a quantum computer to determine the magnetization of a model quantum material. In their experiment, the authors used 127 qubits to simulate the dynamics of a two-dimensional Ising model and measure the average magnetization for selected clusters of spins. The Ising model is a way to conceive of the intrinsic angular momenta of electrons in a magnetic material as discrete variables, which are arranged on a lattice and align in the presence of an external magnetic field, resulting in the material's magnetization.
The article notes that the system's advantage pertains to scale, rather than speed, as no classical computer has enough memory to encode the possibilities computed by the 127 qubits. However, the article also discusses the challenges of achieving useful quantum advantage, as algorithms must involve a much larger number of qubits and many more consecutive gate operations to be competitive with high-performance classical supercomputers. Additionally, quantum computations would inevitably generate noise arising from qubit errors, which would need to be mitigated through advanced post-processing and quantum error-mitigation methods.
The article also describes the authors' error-mitigation scheme, which involved using software to compensate for noise generated during the calculation. The authors verified their scheme by computing the magnetization of a single spin in a simulation involving all 127 qubits. Before mitigating the errors, the results were strongly affected by noise, but their post-processing technique restored the correct magnetization. The article notes that techniques such as the error-mitigation method developed by Kim and colleagues will drive the development of device technology, control systems, and software by providing applications that could offer useful quantum advantage beyond quantum-computing research, paving the way for truly fault-tolerant quantum computing.
In conclusion, while the report by Kim et al. represents an important milestone in the field of quantum computing, the article highlights the challenges that remain in achieving useful quantum advantage and developing fault-tolerant quantum computers. However, the article also notes that the results of the experiment provide further opportunities for quantum processors to emulate physical systems that are far beyond the reach of conventional computers, as quantum hardware improves and processors become capable of longer computations.
Quantum computing promises to offer substantial speed-ups over its classical counterpart for certain problems. However, the greatest impediment to realizing its full potential is noise that is inherent to these systems. The widely accepted solution to this challenge is the implementation of fault-tolerant quantum circuits, which is out of reach for current processors. Here we report experiments on a noisy 127-qubit processor and demonstrate the measurement of accurate expectation values for circuit volumes at a scale beyond brute-force classical computation. We argue that this represents evidence for the utility of quantum computing in a pre-fault-tolerant era. These experimental results are enabled by advances in the coherence and calibration of a superconducting processor at this scale and the ability to characterize1 and controllably manipulate noise across such a large device. We establish the accuracy of the measured expectation values by comparing them with the output of exactly verifiable circuits. In the regime of strong entanglement, the quantum computer provides correct results for which leading classical approximations such as pure-statebased 1D (matrix product states, MPS) and 2D (isometric tensor network states, isoTNS) tensor network methods2,3 break down. These experiments demonstrate a foundational tool for the realization of near-term quantum applications4,5.
Due to limited number of qubits in the NISQ era, all logical qubits in the quantum circuit are directly implemented by physical qubits without QEC.
qubit mapping problem
Definition: Given an input quantum circuit and the coupling graph of a quantum device, find an initial mapping and the intermediate qubit mapping transition (by inserting SWAPs) to satisfy all two-qubit constraints and try to minimize the number of additional gates and circuit depth in the final hardware-compliant circuit.
Intuitively, I feel that the error in global optimization problems can be alleviated.
Advantages and Disadvantages
We can avoid performing some redundant operations during quantum computation.
We can obtain the quantum operation sequences we want. However, the problem lies in the inability to perform real-time decoding and error correction to achieve timely recovery of errors. The latest progress is to use FPGA and ASIC chips for hardware decoding, achieving feedback within 1 microsecond delay.
- Giscus
Last update: 2023-9-21