MWPM decoder

This note is written in two languages, Chinese and English.
[1]Y. Wu and L. Zhong, “Fusion Blossom: Fast MWPM Decoders for QEC.” arXiv, May 14, 2023. Accessed: Sep. 21, 2023. [Online]. Available:
Minimum Weight Perfect Matching Decoder


具体来说,对于一个无向图 G=(V, E),其中 V 表示顶点的集合,E 表示边的集合。如果存在一个边的子集 M,满足下列条件,则称 M 为 G 的完美匹配:
  1. M 中的边都是 G 中的边;
  1. M 中的任意两条边互不相邻,即它们没有公共的顶点;
  1. M 中的边覆盖了 G 中的每个顶点,即每个顶点都与 M 中的某条边相连。
⚠️ 匹配:是边的集合

Perfect Matching

A perfect matching in a graph refers to a set of edges in an undirected graph, in which each vertex is connected to exactly one of those edges. In other words, each vertex is paired with a specific edge in the graph, and each edge is only paired with one vertex.
Specifically, for an undirected graph G=(V, E), where V represents the set of vertices and E represents the set of edges. If there exists a subset M of edges that satisfies the following conditions, then M is called a perfect matching of G:
  1. All edges in M are edges in G;
  1. Any two edges in M are not adjacent, meaning they do not share a common vertex;
  1. All vertices in G are covered by the edges in M, meaning each vertex is connected to one of the edges in M.
In a perfect matching, each vertex has exactly one edge connected to it, and all vertices are matched.
⚠️ Matching: A set of edges.
Perfect Matching -- from Wolfram MathWorld



Minimum Weight

In the set of edges that achieve a perfect match, the sum of weights of all edges should be the minimum among all perfect matches.
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QEC Process
Figure 6. The general procedure for active recovery in a quantum error correction code
Figure 6. The general procedure for active recovery in a quantum error correction code
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Surface code errors
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How to convert the decoding problem into the MWPM (Maximum Weighted Perfect Matching) problem?
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MWPM decoder的流程

The process of the MWPM decoder is as follows:
整数线性规划→ 松弛成线性规划→ 转成对偶的线性规划→求解线性规划→取整获得最初所需的整数解
Integer linear programming → Relaxation to linear programming → Conversion to dual linear programming → Solving the linear programming problem → Rounding to obtain the initial desired integer solution
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Fusion blossom algo insights:

Decoding the graph is divided into subgraphs, and then recursively merged. Parallel algorithms can be implemented when there is no dependency between subgraphs.
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Parallel Ways:
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主要和最近的结果Sparse Blossom 进行对比,单线程较大,但是可以并行,多线程优于Sparse Blossom。
Evaluation Results:
The main comparison is with the recent results of Sparse Blossom. In terms of single-thread performance, it is larger but can be parallelized. However, when it comes to multi-threading, it outperforms Sparse Blossom.
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